Tool in Japanese!道具


Learn Japanese Vocabulary – Tool in Japanese!道具



Japanese Vocab Lesson 9: Room(部屋) – Review Notes

Today we learned some words for things that you would commonly find in someone’s room. In these notes we will review the vocabulary from today’s video and more! Learn the words for lamp, dresser, television, and computer in Japanese!


Number 1:

 部屋 (heya) means room in Japanese!


Number 2:

 The Japanese word for window is 窓 (mado)!


Number 3:

 The Japanese word for desk is  (tsukue).


Number 4:

 本棚 (hondana) means bookshelf in Japanese!


Number 5:

 いす (isu) means chair in Japanese!


Number 6:

 The Japanese word for telephone is 電話 (denwa)!

 The Japanese word for cell phone is 携帯電話 (keitai denwa) or just 携帯 (keitai).


Number 7:

 The Japanese word for clock is 時計 (tokei).

 The word for wristwatch is 腕時計 (udedokei)



Number 8:

 The Japanese word for bed is ベッド (beddo).

★ Traditionally, Japanese people slept in a ふとん (futon), not in a bed. Although many Japanese people still sleep in a ふとん (futon), many people in Japan now sleep in a bed.


Additional room vocabulary:

   テレビ     terebi    television

   コンピュータ  conpyūta   computer

   ランプ     ranpu    lamp

   クローゼット  kurōzetto  closet

   ドア      doa      door

   電気 (でんき) denki     light



We learned a lot of new Japanese words today! Make sure to practice using them around the house so that you don’t forget! がんばってね!\(◕ω◕)/


Get Japanese dictionary!

Do you want to know a lot of Japanese words? I recommend you to get a dictionary!

If you have dictionary, you can always look up new Japanese words\(◕ω◕)/♥


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