Ikemen Horse Game!?


Have you ever seen IKEMEN HORSE?? (Handsome face horse?)

weirdest japanese game ever! learn japanese with my horse prince|うまのプリンスさま uma no purinusu-sama


totemo hen na game o play shimashta. uma no prince sama toiu game desu.

I played weird Japanese game. It is called MY HORSE PRINCE! 
Please watch the video \(◕ω◕)/☆

イケメン(IKEMEN) = Handsome

壁ドン(KABE-DON) =(Kabe, “wall”, and Don, “bang”) refers to the action of slapping a wall fiercely, which produces the sound “don”.

One meaning is the action of slapping the wall as a protest which occurs in collective housing like condominiums when the next room makes noise. Another meaning often appears in shōjo manga or anime when a man forces a woman against the wall with one hand or leans against the wall and makes the sound of “don”, and this has become popular as a “clever move of confession”.

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