Common Japanese Phrases: めんどくさい


Common Japanese Phrases: めんどくさい (mendokusai) – Review Notes

Today’s quick Japanese phrase is めんどくさい (mendokusai)troublesome or bothersome. This is a very common phrase to use when you don’t want to do something.

But be careful! If you use this phrase too much, you might find yourself becoming a lazy person!


Today’s Quick Japanese Phrase is:

★ めんどくさい (mendokusai) means troublesome or bothersome in Japanese.

★ Common situations when you might want to use this phrase include:

 when you have to clean your room

 when you have to do homework

 when you have to go to work or school.

★ Try not to use this phrase too much or it might become a bad habit! (>ω<;)

ちゃんと勉強しなさい!(chanto benkyō shinasai)



More about this phrase:

This phrase comes from 面倒臭い (めんどうくさい – mendōkusai) which literally means “stinks of trouble.”

Both 面倒臭い (めんどうくさい – mendōkusai) and めんどくさい (mendokusai) are used, but めんどくさい (mendokusai) is used more commonly in everyday speech.


めんどくさい!(mendokusai) (o¬ω¬o)


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  1. How would you say ‘Cleaning my room is troublesome’? or ‘doing homework is troublesome’? or ‘going to school is troublesome’?

    Comment by DeshKitei on 03/03/2013 at 1:07 pm
  2. That’s a good question (◕ω<)♪ Cleaning my room is troublesome - 部屋を掃除するのはめんどくさい。(heya o sōji suru no wa mendokusai) Doing my homework is troublesome - 宿題をするのはめんどくさい。(shukudai o suru no wa mendokusai) Going to school is troublesome - 学校へ行くのはめんどくさい。(gakkō e iku no wa mendokusai) Basically, you can just take the action (for example, go to school - gakkō e iku) and add のは (no wa) and then add mendokusai. You could also replace mendokusai with any other adjective that makes sense; for example you could say 学校へ行くのは楽しい (gakkō e iku no wa tanoshii) - Going to school is fun

    Comment by PuniPuni on 03/04/2013 at 10:01 am
  3. It should be noted that this phrase is the equivalent of saying “Pain in the ass” in English and you should avoid saying it in most situations.

    Children may say it, but it’s quite rude.

    Comment by John Doe on 11/10/2013 at 6:34 am

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