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Japanese Vocab Lesson 14: Days of the week – Review Notes
Today we learned how to say the days of the week in Japanese! In these notes we will review and learn more about the Japanese days of the week.
Meanings of the Days of the Week
★ As we mentioned in the video, the days of the week in Japanese have meanings.
★ All of the days of the week end in 曜日 (ようび – yōbi), meaning day (of the week).
★ The first part of each day has a different meaning.
Number 1:
★ The Japanese word for Monday is 月曜日 (getsuyōbi).
★ The kanji 月 means moon so 月曜日 is moon day.
Example Sentence:
Getsuyōbi ni gakkō ga arimasu.
There is school on Monday.
Number 2:
★ The Japanese word for Tuesday is 火曜日 (kayōbi).
★ The kanji 火 means fire so 火曜日 is fire day.
Example Sentence:
Kayōbi wa watashi no tanjōbi desu.
My birthday is on Tuesday.
Number 3:
★ The Japanese word for Wednesday is 水曜日 (suiyōbi).
★ The kanji 水 means water so 水曜日 is water day.
Example Sentence:
Suiyōbi wa yasumi desu.
Wednesday is a holiday/day off.
Number 4:
★ The Japanese word for Thursday is 木曜日 (mokuyōbi).
★ The kanji 木 means tree so 木曜日 is tree day.
Example Sentence:
Mokuyōbi ni tesuto ga arimasu.
There is a test on Thursday.
Number 5:
★ The Japanese word for Friday is 金曜日 (kinyōbi).
★ The kanji 金 means gold so 金曜日 is gold day.
Example Sentence:
Kinyōbi ni pātī ni iku yotei desu.
I have plans to go to a party on Friday.
Number 6:
★ The Japanese word for Saturday is 土曜日 (doyōbi).
★ The kanji 土 means soil so 土曜日 means soil day.
Example Sentence:
Doyōbi ni aimashō.
Let’s meet on Saturday.
Number 7:
★ The Japanese word for Sunday is 日曜日 (nichiyōbi).
★ The kanji 日 means sun or day so 日曜日 is sun day.
Example Sentence:
Kyō wa Nichiyōbi desu.
Today is Sunday.
Now you know how to say the days of the week in Japanese. What is your favorite day of the week? Tell us in Japanese in the comments below!
How to say “Always” in Japanese
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土曜日は大好きです。 :3
Comment by Chip on 12/03/2012 at 3:16 amI don’t know about the other days of the week, but I know that ka means fire, and sui means water, so do all the words relate to a spoken meaning as well? Ki means tree, but Mokuyoubi has nothing to do with “ki”…
Comment by MewQueen on 01/07/2013 at 9:09 pmYes☆ All of these kanji have multiple readings♪ So, 木 when by itself is read as “ki” but when it is next to other kanji, like in Mokuyoubi (木曜日), the reading changes. But still the meaning of the kanji is tree or wood. Same with all the other days of the week. 水 is read as “mizu” (water) when by itself, but it is read as “sui” in 水曜日 (◕ω<)b♥
Comment by PuniPuni on 01/07/2013 at 10:20 pmThe symbols of the days of the week relate to the elements of space which the western words also relate to, so 火 relates to the planet Mars, and ‘martedi’ is Italian for Tuesday, named after Mars, and ‘Tuesday’ is derived from the Norse god Tyr, representative of the planet Mars. Each of the other days of the week has a similar connection.
Comment by Sensei_77 on 03/28/2013 at 10:02 pmI was watching somebody play through a game in Japanese, and the date popped up with the kanji symbol 木. Is that a way to abbreviate what day of the week it is? And is that commonly used on calenders and such?
Comment by MewQueen on 04/21/2013 at 9:38 amはい!Instead of writing 木曜日 (mokuyōbi – Thursday) it is often abbreviated as 木 on calendars and such. Of course, all of the other days of the week can be abbreviated like this too (◕ω◕)♪
Here’s an example of a calendar that does this:

Comment by PuniPuni on 04/21/2013 at 2:56 pm