Japanese Grammar Lesson 7: The Particle を


Japanese Grammar Lesson 7: The Particle を (o/wo) – Review Notes

Today we learned about the Japanese particle を (o/wo). We learned that marks the direct object in the sentence. In this review we will go over the concepts

Japanese Phrase Lesson 8: Happiness 幸せ


Japanese Phrase Lesson 8: Happiness   (うれしい!しあわせ!) – Review Notes

Today we learned two ways to say “I’m happy” in Japanese. In this review we will go over the differences between the two and give examples of their use.

Japanese Grammar Lesson 8: ます-verbs


Japanese Grammar Lesson 8: ます-verbs – Review Notes

Today we learned about polite non-past verbs in Japanese! This verb form is commonly referred to as the ます (masu) form because verbs in this form always end in ます! In this

Japanese Phrase Lesson : Fun & interesting!


Japanese Phrase Lesson 9: Fun and interesting! 楽しい!おもしろい! – Review Notes

Today we learned the Japanese words for “fun” (tanoshii) and “funny/interesting” (omoshiroi). In this review, we will learn the negative and past tense of these words, as well

Japanese Grammar: Polite Past Tense Verbs


Japanese Grammar Lesson 9: Past tense verbs – Review Notes

Today we learned about polite past tense verbs in Japanese! We learned how to change verbs from present, ます (masu) to past, ました (mashita)! In this review we will go

Japanese Phrase Lesson 10: Sad & Lonely


Japanese Phrase Lesson 10: Sad & Lonely – Review Notes

Today we learned two Japanese words to express sadness. We learned the Japanese word for “sad” (kanashii) and “lonely” (samishii). In this review we will learn the negative and

Japanese Grammar Lesson 10: The Particle で


Japanese Grammar Lesson 10: The Particle で (de) – Review Notes

Today we learned how to use the Japanese particle (de) to indicate the place at which an action or event takes place. We learned that it can be

Japanese Grammar Lesson 11: The Particle と (to)

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Japanese Grammar Lesson 11: The Particle と (to) – Review Notes

Today we learned how to use the Japanese particle と (to) to say and or with. In this review, we will talk about some other uses of the particle

Japanese Phrase Lesson 12: Warm and Cool


PuniPuni Japanese Lesson 12: Warm and Cool – Review Notes

Today we learned how to say warm and cool in Japanese. In this review, we will learn more in depth about these words and how to use them.

Japanese Vocab Lesson 12: Weather 天気


Japanese Vocab Lesson 12: Weather 天気 – Review Notes

Today we learned some words to describe weather in Japanese! In these notes we will learn more Japanese weather vocabulary! Learn the Japanese words for hail, fog, storm, and more!
