Japanese Grammar lesson 2: はい/いいえ


Japanese Grammar Lesson 2: Asking yes/no questions – Review Notes

Today we learned how to make a yes/no question out of a statement, and how to answer yes or no to these questions. If you don’t know how to make

Japanese Grammar Lesson 3: The Particle の


Japanese Grammar Lesson 3: The Particle の (no) – Review Notes

Today we learned how to use the Japanese particle (no) to show possession. We learned how to say “my umbrella” and “Sara’s umbrella.” In this review

Japanese Grammar Lesson 4: …は何ですか


Japanese Grammar Lesson 4: Asking what something is – Review Notes

Today we learned how to ask what something is using the pattern “… wa nan desu ka? Using this pattern, we learned how to ask “what is this?”

Japanese Grammar Lesson 5: Where is…?


Japanese Grammar Lesson 5: Where is…? …はどこですか? – Review Notes

Today we learned how to ask where something is in Japanese using the pattern “… wa doko desu ka? Using this pattern, we learned how to ask “where is

Japanese Grammar Lesson 6: The Particle も


Japanese Grammar Lesson 6: The Particle も (mo) – Review Notes

Today we learned about the Japanese particle も (mo). We learned that is similar to the English words “too” or “also.” In this review we will go over

Japanese Grammar Lesson 7: The Particle を


Japanese Grammar Lesson 7: The Particle を (o/wo) – Review Notes

Today we learned about the Japanese particle を (o/wo). We learned that marks the direct object in the sentence. In this review we will go over the concepts

Japanese Grammar Lesson 8: ます-verbs


Japanese Grammar Lesson 8: ます-verbs – Review Notes

Today we learned about polite non-past verbs in Japanese! This verb form is commonly referred to as the ます (masu) form because verbs in this form always end in ます! In this

Japanese Grammar: Polite Past Tense Verbs


Japanese Grammar Lesson 9: Past tense verbs – Review Notes

Today we learned about polite past tense verbs in Japanese! We learned how to change verbs from present, ます (masu) to past, ました (mashita)! In this review we will go

Japanese Grammar Lesson 10: The Particle で


Japanese Grammar Lesson 10: The Particle で (de) – Review Notes

Today we learned how to use the Japanese particle (de) to indicate the place at which an action or event takes place. We learned that it can be

Japanese Grammar Lesson 11: The Particle と (to)

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Japanese Grammar Lesson 11: The Particle と (to) – Review Notes

Today we learned how to use the Japanese particle と (to) to say and or with. In this review, we will talk about some other uses of the particle
