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Please watch new video! Blood Type in Japanese!
What Does Your Blood Type Mean in Japan?
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★ The Japanese word for hospital is 病院 (byōin).
Number 5:
★ The Japanese word for station is 駅 (eki).
★ Japanese people often take the train (densha) to go to school or work, so eki is a very useful word to know!
Additional town vocabulary:
カフェ kafe cafe
アパート apāto apartment
レストラン resutoran restaurant
スーパー sūpā supermarket
デパート depāto department store
コンビニ konbini convenience store
交番 こうばん kōban police box
学校 がっこう gakkō school
図書館 としょかん toshokan library
本屋 ほんや honya book store
郵便局 ゆうびんきょく yūbinkyoku post office
寮 りょう ryō dormitory
旅館 りょかん ryokan Japanese-style hotel
We learned a lot of new words today! But there are always more words! Study the additional vocab list to expand your Japanese knowledge! And of course, make sure to watch the next episode of our new Japanese vocabulary series!
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