More Basic Japanese Adjective Vocabulary


Japanese Vocabulary: Basic Japanese Adjectives Part 2 – Review Notes

Today we learned some more basic adjectives in Japanese! Let’s go over what we learned today and then we will see a list of some extra Japanese adjectives.

To learn more about the grammar of adjectives, please see our last grammar lesson.


Number 1:

 甘い (amai) means sweet in Japanese.

When used as an adjective to describe a person,
(amai) does not mean sweet, but naive.


Example 1:


Amai mono ga suki desu.

I like sweet things.


Example 2:


Kono kēki wa amai desu.

This cake is sweet.


Number 2:

 Spicy in Japanese is 辛い (karai)!


Example 1:


Karai mono wa nigate desu.

I’m not good with spicy things.


Example 2:


Kono sūpu wa karai desu.

This soup is spicy.


Number 3:

 The Japanese word for sour is 酸っぱい (suppai).


Example 1:


Suppai umeboshi ga tabetai desu.

I want to eat sour umeboshi.


Example 2:


Umeboshi wa suppai desu.

Umeboshi is sour.


Number 4:

 The Japanese word for salty is しょっぱい (shoppai).


Example 1:


Shoppai rāmen o tabemashita.

I ate salty ramen.


Example 2:


Kono rāmen wa shoppai desu.

This ramen is salty.


Number 5:

 The Japanese word for bitter is 苦い (nigai).


Example 1:


Nigai kōhī ga kirai desu.

I hate bitter coffee.


Example 2:


burakku kōhī wa nigai desu.

Black coffee is bitter.


Extra Adjective List:

美しい   うつくしい  utsukushii  beautiful

可愛い   かわいい   kawaii    cute

怖い    こわい    kowai     scary

凄い    すごい    sugoi       amazing

素晴らしい すばらしい  subarashii  fabulous

厳しい   きびしい   kibishii     strict

優しい   やさしい   yasashii    kind

柔らかい  やわらかい  yawarakai  soft

固い    かたい    katai       hard (firm)

緩い    ゆるい    yurui      loose

      きつい    kitsui     tight

      おかしい   okashii     strange



We learned a lot of Japanese adjectives today! But there are still many more to learn! Check out our other adjective lessons here and here to learn more Japanese adjectives (◕ω◕)♪

If you want to learn more about Japanese adjectives, you might be interested in this book! It includes a list of common adjectives and adverbs and explains in detail about how to use them in a sentence!


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  1. This was very helpful, thank you!

    Comment by goca on 11/09/2013 at 4:32 pm
  2. I often come across「楽しくて」. What does that mean? Can「くて」 be added to any i-adjective? Thank you 🙂

    Comment by 花小 on 04/12/2014 at 8:21 pm
  3. Yes,「くて」can be added to any い-adjective (you replace the final い with くて). This is the て-form of い-adjectives. Just like all verbs in て-form, it doesn’t have meaning by itself. It gets its meaning from the rest of the sentence. For example, you can say 学校は楽しくて面白いです。 (gakkō wa tanoshikute omoshiroi desu) – School is fun and interesting. This use of the て-form is used to connect two adjectives like “and.”

    Comment by PuniPuni on 04/12/2014 at 9:03 pm

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