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Common Japanese Phrases: しつれいします – Review Notes
Today we learned two polite Japanese expressions for entering or leaving a room. In these notes we will learn the literal meanings and we will go over some other ways that you can use these expressions.
Number 1:
★ Shitsureishimasu literally means “I will do something rude.”
★ When entering or leaving a room, shitsureishimasu is a polite expression that means “excuse my interrupting.”
★ You can also use shitsureishimasu before doing something rude, such as answering your cell phone during dinner. In this case, it is like “excuse me.”
Number 2:
★ Shitsureishimashita is the past tense of Shitsureishimasu.
★ Shitsureishimashita literally means, “I did something rude.”
★ Shitsureishimashita is a polite expression to use when you are leaving the room.
Shitsureishimasu and shitsureishimashita are common expressions in Japan. They are especially helpful in the workplace, where manners matter most.
When leaving from work before their coworkers or their boss, Japanese people often say “osaki ni shitsureishimasu” which basically means “excuse me for leaving before you.”
This expression is also used instead of saying “goodbye” when hanging up the phone. Of course, this expression is very formal so when talking with friends on the phone, you will not use this.
So, although it is said in different situations, shitsureishimasu is always used to excuse some behavior that is considered to be rude.
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What is the difference between しつれいします and おそれいります?
Comment by Tyler on 03/24/2014 at 11:17 pmThe situation in which they are used is different. おそれいります can’t be used instead of しつれいします when entering a room. おそれいります is used much like すみません (excuse me/sorry) but it is even more polite. For example, you can use this expression when apologizing on the phone that the person they are trying to reach is not around. However, in general, I think you will hear and use すみません much more than おそれいります. Hope that helps! (◕ω<)☆
Comment by PuniPuni on 04/03/2014 at 10:11 am